Fishing Archive

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Valentine Zubiaurre was a Spanish painter in late 19th century. He was born deaf just like his brother unfortunately. The irony of their lives is that both were sons of a composer. In his early age, he began painting. He traveled foreign countries to nurture his skills. After acquiring enough experience and doing some outstanding works, he got the first medal of national exhibition of fine arts in 1917. This genre painting named ‘Boys Fishing’ was drawn in 1902. It is an oil-on-canvas painting. It shows a boy fishing in lake with another boy with same outfit standing right behind him. The woman in back is probably their mother with daughter standing beside. The way ascending in back is maybe leads to the village or the house […]


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A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte is a fine example of Georges Seurat’s pointillism. Painting took him two years to complete and during the first year he didn’t included the pointillism in the art work. He made the painting on the island of La Grande Jatte near Paris. Pointillism The painting is depicted in the style of pointillism which was called divisionism at the time of the execution. It is an assemblage of small dots and very small brush-strokes to create a full picture. If looked from a certain distant it creates a perfect picture. Though, at a closer look it seems to be just the collection colorful dots. Even the faces which seems to be having nose, eyes and lips […]


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