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Gathering the sources of knowledge in one place and making it public. This solemn idea of spreading knowledge is not a modern concept. The concept of a library is much older than you think. The Establishment of the First Library Ever Allegedly, world’s first library was built in old city of Alexandria, Egypt. The exact time is unknown but claims say it was built by either Ptolemy I (323-283 BC) or his son Ptolemy II (283-246 BC). The library was not a single building. Actually, there was one main library and other was in the temple of Serapeum or the “daughter library”. Other than that, it was a big premise of buildings including museums, research facilities, rooms for different subjects like astronomy, anatomy and some […]


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The renaissance or the re-birth of arts happened in Europe in early 14th century. It bought some huge and fundamental changes in people’s mentality and the perspective on life. As a part of the change, the importance of arts increased in general public. More and more people got interested in arts and more and more skillful artist emerged in the society. Artists started innovating ideas and techniques to improve their art. For instance, before the renaissance, in paintings, the size and placement of the objects in were uncertain. You can have a big person standing right next to a house which is the same size of the person. Artists of the renaissance solved this problem with the idea of perspective and proportion, which basically changed […]


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In Europe, first came classical antiquity (700 BC – 600 AD) then there were middle ages (5th to 15th century) and after that came the renaissance. The renaissance contains two parts – the early renaissance (from early 15th century to 1490s) and the high renaissance (after 1490s). Literal meaning of renaissance is the ‘re-birth’. Here, the re-birth of art. In this time, the art got renewed, people started to appreciate artists, patrons paid huge amount of money to painters and painters themselves began to understand the conventional style of art and tried to evaluate it with their own vision and methods to push the art to the new heights. And the era full of enthusiastic artists succeeded unprecedentedly in its task. That is my definition […]


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Tiziano Vecelli or Titian was another Italian painter from renaissance era born in 1488. He was one important member of Venetian School which included other major artists like Tintoretto, Veronese and Bassano. By his contemporaries, he was considered as ‘The Sun Amidst Small Stars’. He drew portraits, landscapes, mythology and religious subjects. The style and use of colors in paintings was his most admired part in his paintings. His study in paintings started at the age of nine under a minor painter Sebastian Zuccato. After learning under him until he turned seventeen, he felt his mentor was not appreciating his work.  Then he decided to move to his brothers Genitile and Giovanni Bellini. They were fine artist themselves and Titian learned about using oil on […]


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Some of us have heard about him and some of us art-geeks know him very well for his unique style of Tenebrism (a sub-type of Chiaroscuro technic) in his paintings. He left his marks on the art of painting by his dark and violent representations of mythological incidents. Young artists of his era were already praising him as a god and his creations as miracles. And the influenced artists – who copied his style and methods – were called “Caravaggisti” or “Caravaggesque”. Reaching the peak of his fame, he was even nicknamed as the “Most Famous Painter of Rome”. Every well-known artist led a similar life of training, roaming around the artistic cities to explore more about the art, gaining the skill, producing masterpieces and being so […]