Paintings from Vatican City

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Athens is the largest city in Greece and has been respected as one of the important cities in the Greek history. It was epicenter of arts and philosophy in Greece and thus many big minds had gathered in the city time to time. Big philosophers like Plato and his student Aristotle were active in the city in their times. Athens has been the pivotal point in the Greek history and has seen the presence of the greatest minds of the country. Here, Raphael has smartly included all the big figures from the Greek history in a “school” which could represent the Greece’s history, Greece or the city of Athens where these great minds came across at least for once in their lifetime. Convergence of Great […]


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The Creation of Adam is a part of the Sistine Chapel ceiling fresco created by Michelangelo. It is the most famous part of the whole ceiling. The depiction represents God accompanied by angles giving the ‘touch of life’ to Adam. It is a visual representation of the event from the Book of Genesis when on the sixth day, god created Adam, eve and other flora and fauna. Story of Creation of Adam and Eve According to the Book of Genesis (the first book of the Hebrew Bible), God first created Adam on the sixth day. He put him in the Garden of Eden and went away to create other things like animals, trees, rivers, etc. (including trees of knowledge and life). Then after he brought […]


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