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Athens is the largest city in Greece and has been respected as one of the important cities in the Greek history. It was epicenter of arts and philosophy in Greece and thus many big minds had gathered in the city time to time. Big philosophers like Plato and his student Aristotle were active in the city in their times. Athens has been the pivotal point in the Greek history and has seen the presence of the greatest minds of the country. Here, Raphael has smartly included all the big figures from the Greek history in a “school” which could represent the Greece’s history, Greece or the city of Athens where these great minds came across at least for once in their lifetime. Convergence of Great […]


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There are total of 58 human figures, 2 main sculptures and 2 books in the painting. Though, out of them only 21 figures are totally or partially identified. Both sculptures and books are recognized correctly. Moreover, the artist Raphael has painted the ancient geniuses in form of his contemporary artists who were considered the greatest minds of renaissance time. The names written in bracket are those contemporary artists. Here is a list of all the recognized figures in the painting: Plato (Leonardo da Vinci) : Greek philosopher, mathematician, Student of Socrates, founder of Academy in Athens during 424/423 BC – 348/347 BC Aristotle (Giuliano da Sangallo) : Greek philosopher, Student of Plato, Scientist, Thinker, Teacher of Alexander the Great, Writer of Nicomachean Ethics during 384-322 […]


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