Heinrich was a shepherd’s son and almost all of his paintings reflect his childhood as being one. He drew many paintings about domestic animals plowing or just wandering in green farms. Due to his fascination towards animals in farms, he drew paintings based on the theme for more than 40 years, which are called the ‘heavy works’. This painting is another heavy work of him, plainly displaying two cows in a farm near a narrow water-stream. To me, this oil-on-canvas painting exemplifies the sheer beauty of animals in natural environment, Fearless and harmless. Not a thing in the scene is man-made. The cows, he wide-spread meadow and the little stream besides all the elements are natural and in their pure conditions. They are not manipulated […]
Cows Archive
This calm, serene and restful painting of a river landscape is a perfect destination for a peace and nature lover to live in. on the term that you would have to be skilled in breeding cattle and sheep. That remains as your only way of earning out there. On the left there is a little yard telling us that the animals are the possession of a herdsman living there. The boat in the far background indicates the inhabitant’s connection with other people. Looking at the panting’s date we can assume that many people lived in such beautiful conditions back then when the industrial boom was on its first step. People were more relied on farming and breeding the cattle and sheep and selling the produces. […]