Tunisian Archive

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Tunisia, the South African country is heavily influenced by Muslim religion from the beginning. Even after the majority figures following one religion, people have a broad view for other cultures as well. The reason is rooted in its history, as it is claimed by the historian that the Tunisian culture, basically, doesn’t consist any original characteristics of its own, instead it’s the cumulative influence of different cultures and civilization. Thus, the culture is said to be broader in its mentality in accepting other religions as well. Though, the statistics are contrasting from the historians’ statements, being 99 % of the population being Sunni Muslims. The represented picture reflects its majority with a great view about reflecting the cultural aspects and impacts very well in the […]



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The Greek myths are interacted with each other at very detailed level. The current scene was the first clue for the great Punic wars. This scene was the reason that Carthage and Rome fought history’s three most vicious wars and considered as the biggest wars at the contemporary time. Depicting it on five by four feet canvas with oil, Claude Lorrain has captured a large scale history in the single moment. One of the Trojan heroes, Aeneas wandered for six years after the fall of Troy and reached Carthage for some rest. The queen Dido welcomed them whole-heartedly and heard their story. During his stay, Aeneas and Dido fell in love with each other and Dido declared him her lord and began to rule Carthage […]


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A prayer in the Mosque Tunisa by Frederico visually represents the prayer hall of a mosque in Tunisia. The inside of the mosque is built in the traditional Muslim architecture style which is more or less influenced by the Ottoman architecture style, especially in Tunisia. From the high ceiling to the thin pillars and covered with wooden carvings walls to the Islamic styled carpets on the floor everything has a totally afresh appearance which anyone could recognize as a piece from Muslim culture. People apparent in the current oil on canvas, are naturally the locals who have arrived for prayer, some are reading their cultural books, maybe the “Koran” while rest of the crowd is busy with their long silent prayer called “Namaj”. The attention-grabber […]


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Jeune Tunisienne means Young Tunisian. The artist who painted many nude and erotic depictions of woman hasn’t lost his erotic touch in current painting even though the woman is wearing full tradition clothes. Her stance and the firm face with clear eyes are similarly attractive. The display of the traditional dress with a posture which acts in graceful manner yet allures a young mind with an attempt to hide the beauty with the traditional women’s attire called Sefseri. Sefseri is the traditional clothing for women in Tunisia. It resembles to an Indian Sari but has a different take on wearing it. Sefseri are worn by woman to hide their whole body as well as to hide themselves from the man gaze. The full body covering […]

