Edmond Charles Joseph Yon

Also known asEdmond Charles Joseph Yon

Paintings of Edmond Charles Joseph Yon

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Oil on canvas is a frequently used medium for dramatic sceneries, but subtle ones like these usually come in pastel, watercolor and other softer mediums. However, Edmond Yon was a master at bringing out multiple kinds of effects in oil on canvas. The serene waterbed is one of the most striking sceneries, leaving you stalled for a little fantasy. Serene places like these definitely hold a palpable degree of therapeutic value, while it can be fascinating to experience them right there. Paysage De Riviere is a piece of art with enough telling that even someone completely unguarded can enjoy the place all by herself. While I remained a witness to the beauty of this painting for minutes, it precipitously slid into my list of favorites. […]


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Edmond Yon has become a well-known artist among nature-loving patrons. Almost 9 out 10 times, Yon’s paintings evoke a sense of appreciation which you never knew you had in you. Similar to many of his paintings, Au bord de la mer is a depiction of relaxation at its zenith. While the sea is evidently wide and open, Yon has been able to draw our attention to it with a series of immaculate strokes in blue in only a thin section across the canvas. Moreover, the subjects, who are most probably a family, are seen to be relaxing with the children in a rather prudent way. The beauty of the surrounding environment seems to compensate adequately for food, games and rides, which are usually on the […]


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