Au bord de la mer by Edmond Charles Joseph Yon

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Au bord de la mer by Edmond Charles Joseph Yon Edmond Yon has become a well-known artist among nature-loving patrons. Almost 9 out 10 times, Yon’s paintings evoke a sense of appreciation which you never knew you had in you. Similar to many of his paintings, Au bord de la mer is a depiction of relaxation at its zenith. While the sea is evidently wide and open, Yon has been able to draw our attention to it with a series of immaculate strokes in blue in only a thin section across the canvas. Moreover, the subjects, who are most probably a family, are seen to be relaxing with the children in a rather prudent way. The beauty of the surrounding environment seems to compensate adequately for food, games and rides, which are usually on the cards during a day-out.

Painting NameAu bord de la mer
Painter NameEdmond Charles Joseph Yon
Size151.1 x 100.4 cm (59.49" x 39.53")
Current LocationPrivate collection

I see little of significance apart from the balmy sun, cozy weather and the wonderful breeze in this painting – and that is the genius of Yon. He will show you what he wants without evening having to create it. Besides, look at the azure sky, posing no threat to the woman’s dress on the grass, or the man’s posture under the tree. That adds to the stillness. Presumably, they have three kids, out of which two have something interesting to hear about from their father, while the woman and her daughter would rather be in their own meditative states, than use the environmental stimulation to word it.

This is a great 3 by 5 feet work in oil on canvas. Again, the subduing factor in this scenery leaves us wondering how perfectly Yon has been able to paint it. Probably, choosing a different medium for the painting would not have allowed him to do justice to the natural radiance there. Yon has been my favorite also for the reason that he chooses almost childlike subjects for sceneries, and implements them to tickle senses of the most learned art experts.


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