Paintings of Heirich von Zugel

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Heinrich was a shepherd’s son and almost all of his paintings reflect his childhood as being one. He drew many paintings about domestic animals plowing or just wandering in green farms. Due to his fascination towards animals in farms, he drew paintings based on the theme for more than 40 years, which are called the ‘heavy works’. This painting is another heavy work of him, plainly displaying two cows in a farm near a narrow water-stream. To me, this oil-on-canvas painting exemplifies the sheer beauty of animals in natural environment, Fearless and harmless. Not a thing in the scene is man-made. The cows, he wide-spread meadow and the little stream besides all the elements are natural and in their pure conditions. They are not manipulated […]


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Heirich von Zugel is a well-known artist of Germany for his illustrative works of animals. His paintings are often smeary, just giving a sense of the scene and rest leaving on the viewer’s imagination. Here in the scene, a farmer is directing a herd of oxen into (or out of) a yard.  Maybe it’s time for graze or they are returning from it. We can’t be so sure just by looking at it because there are not enough elements in the frame. What we can interpret is the time of the day and the herdsman simple life. Taking animals to the grassy plots, protecting them while they eat and safely take them back when they ate was the simple routine of any herdsman. Though, in-between […]


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Award winner German painter Heirich von Zugel devoted his art towards depicting domestic animals. His paintings often described animals with their masters doing works farms or just wandering in meadow or in small lakes. Here he comes up again with the same relation between the human and the animals which represents the dependency of the both sides in old times. The animals were dependent on the people for food and protection while people were dependent on animals for ploughing, milk and fur. Though, nowadays this kind of relations is quickly fading away due to the alternatives for the animals. Instead, animals are mostly being prisoned harshly in the ‘animal-farms’. Here is a normal every day work in country-side. Artist has kept the farmer’s face unclear […]


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