Funny Archive

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  The joys of adolescence are probably the most colorful period of anyone’s life. During the time, one is doing all the good, bad and naughty things, which can make him pretty notorious in his locale. Those are also the activities which construct the base of one’s nature which he will bear for the rest of his life. And the bonus is that one gets the memories which he will not forget for the lifetime. It could be called as the golden period. Here, Paul Charles Chocarne Moreau has depicted one moment from the same golden period of three adolescents. Actually, he has devoted his art towards such pranks acted by the real, poor kids of Paris of his contemporary times. Most of his oeuvre […]


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Painter of enlightening, funny and comic descriptions of adolescence, Paul Charles have encircled almost every possible attires, situations and places in his paintings. Though, an unusual feat is about portraying culprits in papal attires and showing them doing things which is not supposed to do by kids when they are in those respectful clothes. It’s a bit satire shown here. The current picture includes such boy who is wearing papal clothes called choir dress. He is holding a tray which he has apparently taken out from the cupboard of which door he is keeping ajar. He is also very curious for any footsteps in outer gallery for the obvious reasons. The second character could be called as the artist’s favorite character, because it appears in […]


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Paul Moreau’s paintings generally depict little culprits having some fun by a practical joke or something amusing which an adolescent would do. His pictures always carry a fun part in it which makes the paintings pleasurable and enjoyable. The current picture shows one of his gimmicks about children being children. Kids find different ways to have the most fun out of any situation. If not stopped, they could act like robots that never stop and keep on working until battery gets low. What the robot would do if the battery dies? If it a self-sustaining futuristic robot it will find a plug to get recharge. And kids who go for sugar. Yes, they like sugar and everybody knows what effect sugar can make on children. […]



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This is another amusing, innocent adolescent joke illustrated by Paul Charles Moreau from his long list of such comic-incident-driven paintings. He is a painter whose oeuvre is full of Parisian boys doing all the hilarious jokes and pranks on the streets of Paris or inside a building. He was an out-of-the-box artist whose art-pieces stand apart from other ‘serious’ artists whose paintings have more serious touch but lesser appeal than Paul Charles Moreau. The presented painting depicts the old Paris, contemporary to the painter himself. You can know it by looking at the old buildings, old advertisement boards, characters’ clothing and the fact that a boy is working in a shop, which is banned nowadays by various laws. Artist has captured the expressions of the […]



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Paul Charles has been known his charming, adorable and funny paintings of young kids conducting pranks on their friends and having quite a fun. He was a french painter in 19th century and most of his paintings were based on those Parisian boys who were poor, who were working at very early age and it seem weird nowadays but in old time small children used to work in factories. So, his choice of young apprentice baker is perfectly fine in his own time – who appears from time to time in his paintings. Now, the current painting depicts the young baker again. After appearing in many paintings, a defined characteristic of the baker-boy starts to appear in our mind. He is the normal boy of […]


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