In Islamic culture, there is a concept of Iman. It consist the 6 basic elements. Those elements believe in god, angels, prophets, religious books, Day of Judgment and the ultimate fate pre-decided by God. Anyone who believes and follows these elements is having the Iman. Greatly influenced by Islamic culture while he was living in Islamic country Istanbul, he came to know more about the religion. This knowledge and influence reflects in some of his works. This is an oil-on-canvas portrait of an Imam – Islamic leader and the provider of religious guidance. He seems immersed in the thoughts of godhead. Looking at his half-opened mouth, we can say he is chanting some religious hymns. The raised hand in blessing pose is showing his spiritual […]
Three Quarter View Portrait Archive
Being in our post of Legend of Vincent van Gogh, the Dutch artist’s this priciest portrait with a huge price tag of $ 71.5 million around 15 years before in 1998 was the third costliest painting of all the time and fourth if we consider the price-inflation. And it is still an impressive rank for a portrait. Alongside with its enormous price-tag there are other facts which make this painting unique from the rest of the self-portraits by Vincent van Gogh which are totals more than 35. This self-portrait executed in 1889, was the last self-portrait by the artist. After that he majorly focused upon the cypresses and wheat fields. Moreover, this is the only painting depicting the artist without beard. As Van Gogh’s many […]
La fornarina was a skillful depiction by high-renaissance artist Raphael. It resembles with Leonardo’s Mona Lisa in terms of the posture, use of the model and the alleged idea behind the portrait. It also includes some elements of popular painting style Chiaroscuro which Raphael borrowed from Caravaggio. La Fornarina, Raphael’s Mistress It is said that the model seated for the portrait was Raphael’s real life model called Margarita Luti. The title of the painting means “the baker’s daughter”. According to Giorgio Vasari, the renaissance period art historian, Raphael was “a very amorous man’ and often looking for ‘amorous pleasures’. Allegedly, during his life he had many mistresses one after another, including daughters of his patrons. Margarita Luti appeared in Raphael’s another portrait La Velata as […]
Lady with an Ermine is one of the four ladies painted by Leonardo, other three being Mona Lisa, La belle ferronnière and Ginevra de’ Benci. The Lady with an Ermine has segments of Pentimento as by radiography. A window has been detected on the upper right side, which was deleted later on by the artist. The painting consist some work called “Moti Mentali” meaning mental emotions. The term was mostly referred to Leonardo’s work and means the artist’s ability to depict the real mental thoughts, emotions and disposition of the subject on his/her face. That’s the painting has been described as “signaling a breakthrough in the art of psychological portraiture.” Another noticeable element is artist’s little use of his well-known style of Sfumato around the subject’s […]
Hombre de Fuensaldana by Ramon de Zubiaurre is one of the social-relevance type paintings, with focus on the individual – rather than society. However, the importance of the individual’s location is paramount, as I guessed it would be when I was about to enter the de Zubiaurre special features gallery. At the same time, I should admit that there is not a world of difference between this one and the other works, although it seems the Spanish painter did not put in an effort to glorify the man or his story with the brush strokes. It seems that the subject has a degree of attachment to the nobility – or maybe he is a learned man who seeks such an attachment. The castle is big […]